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Pinkie Swear

Pinkie Swear


投票数: 8




Pinkie Swear品牌好评率是根据用户投票支持数决定,综合了Pinkie Swear品牌所有产品的好评率作为基数,以及品牌名声、相同产品好评率等参考指标评定而出。


Pinkie Swear是来自美国纽约的彩妆品牌。以下它的英文介绍:
【About Pinkie Swear】:Today's young women are more trend-conscious and brand-aware than ever before. They love to experiment with makeup and require a hipper, more fashion forward, wearable line of product. Until now, there have been few options when it comes to cosmetics that combine the superior quality of upscale brands and the soft colors and fun packaging that young ladies find so appealing. Thanks to Pinkie Swear, there's a collection of makeup for girls of all ages - teens, tweens, twenty-something's and up!

Pinkie Swear is formulated with good-for-you ingredients, making it the perfect choice for young women who want to wear fun, colorful makeup while still looking natural and fresh.

The name "Pinkie Swear", the linking of pinkie fingers to signify the ultimate promise, was chosen for both its relevance to girls and to the company's philosophy. Since Pinkie Swear is formulated with the highest quality ingredients it appeals to women of ALL ages. In addition to being hypoallergenic and non-comedeogenic, the Pinkie Swear products contain Vitamins A, B, D, and E, avocado oil, aloe vera, shea butter, Lanolin Oil and natural sunscreen. Except for the subtle fragrance in the three Glisten to Me Lip Conditioners - guava, pink grapefruit and green apple, Pinkie Swear is fragrance-free. 

